Hiroichi Fukuda

Partner Hiroichi Fukuda


Throughout his career at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), Fukuda was responsible in supporting projects with domestic private firms, and public/government sectors. Apart from the regular banking business, Fukuda was responsible in managing and directing affiliate companies of SMBC for more than 10 years of his career. He had played a key role in building the foundation of SMBC’s internet banking business. From April 2010 to March 2012, Fukuda served as corporate officer of SMBC, and then joined Genius in January 2013. Fukuda’s passion to create new ideas is based on his motto, “All in favor”. This is a well-known quote from Oumi (Shiga pref), Fukuda’s hometown. In this quote, “all” refers to buyers, sellers, and the people. Here at Genius, Fukuda passionately aims to support effective usage of the senior human resource market, and revitalize corporate structure.

Fields of Expertise

  • 金融
  • 会計・税務
  • IT関連


CAREER CARVER厳選求人紹介 / 担当ヘッドハンターの目線
「住信SBIネット銀行 - 社会的インパクトの大きなFinTechビジネスを自らの手で次々に立ち上げたい企画系・IT系社員を積極募集」

CAREER CARVER厳選求人紹介 / 担当ヘッドハンターの目線
グローバル・ロジスティック・プロパティーズ(GLP)Eコマース市場とともに成長を続ける物流不動産ビジネスのマーケットリーダー・GLPが プロジェクトマネジャーなどを多職種募集


+81 3 3321 3348
